Global FemArt aims to develop specific support for the entrepreneurial development of female artists and creatives, through a holistic programme combining online training and mentoring. The training programme will enable female artists and creatives to develop their understanding of how to run and develop a creative business, as well as strengthening their self-confidence and self-efficacy.
Global FemArt will also help female artists and creatives to take the next steps within their business, encouraging them to move towards a more globalised trade.
This will be in line with the EU 2020 Strategy for Growth and Jobs, which aims to build a cultural sector capable of increasingly contributing to employment and growth across Europe.
go to our platform
We offer a completely developed eCourse with 6 modules covering a broad range of topics.
Module 1
Internationalisation Process
Module 1 focuses on the internationalisation process, when to do this, the stages of planning and choosing your markets. This module also details success stories in internationalisation and an introduction to the Global FemART Academy and its structure.
Module 2
Business Management
The second module focuses on all things business! From defining your business purpose to creating an international vision for your business, from prioritising to setting goals and creating an action plan using the Creative Project Canvas.
Module 3
Module 3 is dedicated to soft skills, taking you through the development of self-confidence, assertiveness and dealing with criticism, as well as motivation, presentation skills, negotiation and networking.
Module 4
The fourth module details information about building portfolios on an international level, developing your brand and the theory behind business development, IPR, Copyright and pricing. Examples of portfolios are also presented!
Module 5
Financial Management
Module 5 focuses on all things finance! Information is given on bookkeeping and funding opportunities in the different countries involved in this project.
Module 6
The sixth and final module gives key information on the importance of IT for the development of a business, with further guidance on different IT learning platforms and training on Instagram and Etsy.
Register now to gain knowledge about strategies and effective tools to plan your business internationalisation and to connect with other European female “artenprenerus” wishing like you to go global!
latest news
Celebrating the Global FemART Project!
The Global FemART project has come to the end of its funded period, but what an adventure it has been!
The Exhibition Booklet Available to Download
The partnership developed an Exhibition Booklet to showcase the work of female artists and creatives across the globe.
Press Releases Available to Download
Press releases in Dutch, Italian, Polish and Spanish + the final conference exhibition booklet (in English) available to download.

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