Female Artists and Creatives have spoken!
UK results and what’s to come!
Female Artists and Creatives in the UK are underrepresented in almost all of the creative sectors. From the lack of female-made art in London galleries, to the minimal representation of women in higher positions in creative fields, gender inequality is still ever present! So, what can we do to help?
The Global FemART project has been created to help female Artists and Creatives across Europe to develop their own businesses on an international level. With the help of Inova Consultancy, Materahub, Fundacja ARTeria, FyG Consultores and Odisee, the Global FemART project aims to inspire more women to take the leap into globalised trade and bridge the creative sector’s gender gap!
To kick start this project, each partner conducted focus groups and interviews in different countries to understand these issues from the perspective of female artists and creatives and coaches in the same field. The results were very interesting and, in the UK, revealed some invaluable points!
During this session, six female artists and creatives, from the Sheffield area, came together to discuss how artists and creatives develop their creative businesses and start to think about globalisation and reaching an international market.
Getting to know these wonderful ladies allowed Inova to truly see the artistic talent Sheffield has to offer! The group consisted of Musicians, Graphic Designers, Sculptors, Textile Designers and a Silversmith! This diverse group helped the Inova team to understand the barriers faced by female artists and creatives and the specific training modules which would help them to develop both personally and professionally, in relation to business globalisation.
From the UK focus group, it became clear that experiences of gender inequality vary between different creative fields. With regards to internationalising a creative business, many artists and creatives need tools to help with organisation, planning, business management and developing an international plan.
So! What’s coming next?
Inova Consultancy’s methodology of the Mentoring Circles™ has been adapted to create the Artist Circles™ for the Global FemART project! Created in 2001, the Mentoring Circles™ methodology combines peer and one-to-one mentoring support to help people through change, development and personal growth. Using all the information gathered from Artists and Creatives, the Artist Circles™ have been adapted from Inova’s original methodology to suit the specific needs of this audience. Focusing on different aspects of business growth, with a global outlook, the Global FemART Artist Circles™ are set to help women across Europe to succeed in internationalising their creative business and developing both personally and professionally.
For more information on the project and the latest updates about our training, check out the Global FemART Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/GlobalFemArt/