Exhibition Event: Celebrating Artistic and Creative Female Talent!
Article by Inova
Come and celebrate all things artistic as we come together to explore creative businesses and listen to inspirational women!
The logistics of The Global FemART Exhibition Event has been finalised and we cannot wait for you to be able to experience and learn from all the great features this event has to offer. At this FREE online event you will have the wonderful opportunity to view exhibitions from amazing female artists and creatives which promises not to disappoint and will prove to be a spectacle for all those in attendance. Following this event, you will also be able to download a FREE exhibition booklet presenting the work of several artists and creatives allowing you to view these excellent pieces of art within the event and whenever you desire in the future.
Further to gaining a glimpse of so many wonderful pieces of art, you will also be fortunate enough to experience the stories of amazing guest speakers and their journeys into creative business ownership; a truly inspiring experience and one which will certainly prove crucial if you hold similar ambitions!
Not only is this a brilliant opportunity to celebrate female art and creativity but also a marvellous opportunity to support our Global FemArt project which aims at creating conversations about the gender inequality and underrepresentation of woman in creative fields by inspiring and coaching more women towards taking the leap into globalised trade and helping to bridge the creative sector’s gender gap.
You will get to hear testimonials from those who took part in the Global FemART training courses and learn about the successes of the Global FemART project, including the Artist Circles™ and the Global FemART Learning and Networking Platform.
Further to the amazing experiences outlined above, we believe our exhibition event could prove as an amazing event to launch networking for all – with potential to meet with other exceptional creatives in attendance. Following the exhibitions and guest speakers, 30 minutes of networking time is allocated for you; an excellent opportunity to connect with others whom you may choose to collaborate with in the future or to praise the work of the artists and creatives in attendance.
We look forward to seeing you at our unmissable exhibition event and we are excited for everyone to be able to benefit from this wonderful experience together.
Don’t miss out; register for your free place today: https://globalfemartfinalexhibition.eventbrite.co.uk
Details of the event
Date: Thursday 22nd April 2021
Time: 10:00 – 12:30 (UK Time) + plus 30 minutes of networking until 1pm.
Venue: Online, via Zoom.
Guest Speakers: More information coming soon!